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  • Writer's pictureDiogo Oliveira

Why shouldn't we offer our wildlife photos? The importance of valuing and selling wildlife photographs!

We live in the age of social media and instant products, something we can consume in seconds and move on to the next product. In some situations, we don't even waste time reading the descriptions. And blogs have lost their focus on new forms of sharing (and video, which I've been exploring more recently). At the center of all these changes, photography ended up becoming a universal language. And in the world of photography, wildlife is a category that captivates and inspires millions of people around the world. Having the opportunity to photograph the beauty of animals in their natural habitat is a unique and fascinating talent, but also a way to educate and raise awareness about the importance of nature conservation. However, many wildlife photographers face an ethical dilemma when it comes to selling their wildlife photographs.


It is essential to recognize that wildlife photography is more than just a passion or a hobby; It is hard work that requires skill, patience and dedication. Something I discussed in my previous post, 'How much does it really cost to take wildlife photography? A detailed analysis', where I tried to show how much I spend to take photographs. I spend countless hours in the field, sometimes in challenging conditions, to get that perfect photo. I have to wake up before dawn, or with the chickens, and sometimes I have to face adverse weather to get certain photographs. As such, I have to invest time and resources to achieve some results. And when this lifestyle occupies most of our days, it stops being just a hobby and becomes a profession.


Unfortunately, in some cases, photographers end up being tempted to share their photos for free, most of the time they do it to gain social recognition, and in other more extreme cases simply to boost their own egos. However, they must understand that this practice not only devalues the photographer's own work, but also devalues the wildlife photography industry as a whole. The chosen photograph may not be the best on the market, but rather the photograph of the photographer who agreed not to receive due payment for the use of his photograph. By offering their wildlife photographs for free, photographers are inadvertently contributing to the devaluation of their own art. Which in an art where the material required is quite high, will only lead to a series of problems. This creates an expectation that high-quality photographs should be freely available, thus undermining the value of professionals' work. Looking at Portugal's current financial situation, this could leave the few wildlife photographers who shoot in Portugal having difficulty sustaining their passion in the long term, due to the lack of financial compensation for their work. And this ends up limiting these photographers' ability to continue taking impressive photographs.


Another aspect to take into account when offering free wildlife photography to companies is that photographers end up contributing to the exploitation of nature and wildlife for commercial benefit. Many companies end up profiting from the beauty of our wildlife photographs in their advertising campaigns, in marketing materials or in the sale of products and services, all without contributing adequately to the conservation or protection of natural habitats. Selling photographs allows photographers to value their work, and also allows photographers to support organizations and causes that work to preserve wildlife and habitats.


Valuing and selling wildlife photographs is not just a matter of recognizing the value of our own work, but also of promoting conservation and protection of nature. When photographers are properly compensated for their work, they have more resources to invest in high-quality equipment, can travel to other locations, and allows them to learn more about the species to photograph, which in turn results in photographs even more impressive and impactful. Additionally, by selling their photographs, photographers have the opportunity to educate the public about the importance of wildlife conservation. Every image sold can be an opportunity to share stories about the challenges wild animals face and the threats they face in their natural habitat. This helps create a deeper connection between people and nature, inspiring action to protect and preserve our natural world for future generations. In the case of amateur photographers, or those who cannot issue an invoice, and thus sell their photographs. They should adopt a more commercial stance, refusing to offer photography and suggesting a professional photographer they know. Thus valuing the work of professional colleagues. While allowing the wildlife photography industry to grow.

Ultimately, it is essential that wildlife photographers recognize the value of their work and refuse to give in to the temptation to offer their photographs for free. By selling your photographs, you will not only be able to support your own passion and career, but also contribute to the protection and conservation of wildlife around the world. So, the next time you come across a stunning wildlife photograph, remember the hard work and dedication behind it, and consider supporting the photographer by purchasing a copy of their work or some product resulting from these photographs, be it a calendar, a book or training.

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